“Love” as a word consists of 4 letters and it has different impressions for each individual person. Yes, now you are thinking on love between a man and a woman. However, “love” which I would like to express has broader understanding. Just try to imagine contrasts in the world. How there are contrasts in the world such as day and night, black and white, goodness and badness, likely human being lives with his contrasts. People are born with these contrasts, they live and die with them. Between birth and death we all have ambitious, happiness, successes, disappointments, expectations. Love is the key point in our life.
What are the main goals in our life? Happiness, peace, calmness, success, career, wealth and many other beauties result from love of people to their jobs, environment, and other people who they communicate with. It doesn’t matter what you do, if it doesn’t contain love, unfortunately the result would be worse.
In this class, everybody’s preferences are different. Some of us like to dancing, cooking, reading and some others like to live in boat, and fishing. What is the common element here? As you know, love is the common element and we feel happy with what we love to do most. It is same for success in our business life because it is not possible to be successful and efficient in a job that we dislike. Also same thing can be said for social environment and relations. Do you think a person who doesn’t feel any love can create a good relation with others? That kind of people cannot be happy or successful in their lives.
Love is the most important positive motivation for us. Look around and think about the important people in the history who nowadays are remembered as the good. They left us a heritage in art, science, music and in many other fields. How could they succeed to be remembered during years? They loved with passion what they did and this brought them fame and respect after many years of their death.
Always try to feel love in our lives for better life.
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