After watching his speech, I realized one more time that President is one of the best orators in the US. He knows how he should use his voice during speech to impress people. Many people can be convinced after watching his speech. Yesterday night as many other people did, I watched his speech on Afghanistan with mixed feelings.
In his speech, he mentioned three important points which are planned for the next 2 years period of time. First one is to prevent access of Al-Qaeda to safe place opportunities in that region. Second one is to reverse Taliban’s momentum in Afghanistan and the last one is to strengthen Afghan Military Force and Afghan Government in next two years.
Since the first primitive society, people have been always in war. Various kinds of reasons can be said to go to war with other nations such as economical, political, religious, racial issues. However, if it was asked to each individual living in any country whether he would like to see a war or not, his apparently answer would be “NO” to any kind of war or fight in any country. Sometimes, we should ask this question and give frankly answer to ourselves about this issue.
Recently, newspapers published statistics on the world’s most indebted countries and the US as in many other areas is the number one in that ranking. Especially last few years we have been witnessing the US’s increasing debt which can be sustainable now but might not be sustainable in the future. Besides the Health Care reform and other regulations, sending 30000 more soldiers to Afghanistan will create extra economic burden for the government and surely for tax payers.
Another interesting question is why big countries try to bring democracy to only in Middle East and Afghanistan. There are many countries in Africa dealing with democracy problems and terrorism. They need to democracy as well, but neither any international organization nor any big country has been handling this issue seriously. Sometimes many people living in the US and other countries can think there is something more beyond democracy and human rights concerns to interfere in internal affairs of those countries. Having received the Nobel Prize, the President was thought as a leader who would settle the peace in the world and everybody’s expectation has increased about the President’s efforts in that politics. I hope he and government will be really successful in settling peace and democracy in Afghanistan, and also people in the US having one of their family members in Afghanistan will be reunited with him/her soon.
birack yanina almak istedigin uc seyi soyle gondereyim!